Mon 06 Jan
****Experience Classy, Sexy, Mature and Real Offering INCALL***3 Days Only***Very Discreet**** - 42
(Kansas City, Overland Park/ Kansas City)
>(( ✔ CHECK HERE ✔ )) _*I KNOw I'M What YouR LooKING COCOaka Sparkel - 21
(Kansas City, south/incall)
****Experience Classy, Sexy, Mature and Real****Very Discreet**** - 41
(Kansas City, Overland Park/ Kansas City)
Sun 05 Jan
"She BLINDED Me w/ Science !!".... **MARRIED**, CAUCASIAN, Only. **NO TEXTS !!** Coming To KC? - 51
(Kansas City, KC NORTH, St. Louis)
📌📌📌The Exceptional Rub☆☆☆☆☆☆Treat Yourself to A Day of Relaxation ☆☆☆☆☆☆7am- 9pm New Clients 📌📌📌 - 25
(Kansas City, Overland Park, Kansas City)
☆゚.*・ 。゚(THE *・。☆( BeST☆゚.*・ 。゚(2 G i R L *・ 。゚100 SpeCial☆゚.*・ 。゚* ・。゚☆ - 23
(Kansas City, 160hh☆°➋➍/➆ 2girl North kc °☆°70 each)
(SPECIAL TODAY 2 SEXY GiRLS))!!video to prove we are real skip the ugly👹fake and come see us 😘😍😏 - 23
(Kansas City)
°o★o°• Everyone has a diRtY LiTtLe SeCrEt let me be your best kept one (: •°o★o° 120 hr 8165790992 - 26
(Independence, Kansas City)
Ready to play, magic touch.You'll never forget. Sexy, italian 36dds totally nude - 39
(Kansas City, Yours OR Mine 90 TREAT)
look for taste the rainbow look out for taste the rainbow (WARNING) - 38
(indep budget inn, Kansas City)
It's The Perfect Day To Come Warm Up And Relax With A Body Rub! **$65** 816-408-0450 AVAILABLE NOW! - 23
(Kansas City)
EaRlY WknD AfFaiR StaRtS nOw! MuTuaL MaSsaGe AvAil W/ ShOweR! AsK aBout mY { SPIDER MASSAGE } - 23
(Kansas City, South Overland Park)
****Classy, Mature, Sexy Offering INCALL***Very Discreet**** - 42
(Kansas City, Overland Park/ Kansas City)
Who Want's To Get Up And Drive Back Home After Having A Relaxing Massage?Not U?Then Call Me - 45
(Out Call)
❤ $100$ ❤,,,,,, LeT MY AMaZiNG SKiLLs-! & UnBeLiEVaBLe TaLeNTS-! MaKe YoU MeLT-!!! ,,,,,,❤ $100$ ❤ - 27
(Kansas City, SKC 435/71hwy Easy Access Safe Discrete)
🍬💋🍦🍯🍬!! 2 Girl Special ??Sweet Tooth??Be Our Sweet Cream Filling-Tonight Only !!🍬🍯🍦💋🍬 - 29
(Independence, MO I-70 & Noland Rd, Kansas City)
Sat 04 Jan
Turn off the news and come and relax! - 56
(Columbia/Jeff City, Kansas City, raytown, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph)
💋 【spaNKaBℓε αSS】* Big * BOOTY * Cutie * On* DUTY= $ = Big *Beautiful* Eyes* Big* Beautiful Thighs - 27
(913 215 8599 Plaza, Kansas City)
NUDE / SENSUOUS BODY RUBS FOR MEN by fit , attractive male $40.00 hour. - 33
(Kansas City, North KC)
Just me and you on one with the Sensual Mistress Synn - 34
(Kansas City, North Kansas City wof)
Blonde & Busty lets have FUN call NOW #Miss FANCY FUN!! 816-651-8186 - 25
(Downtown area, Kansas City)
Fri 03 Jan
The night is still early Enjoy your time with the Playmate of the year.. *Tiffany* - 21
(Kansas City, Overland Park)
*¨ ★ *: WaNt SoMe WarMinG uP...mIsS cUpId KaCeY iS pAtiently wAiTiNg.....4 yOu *¨ ★ * - 22
(Kansas City, Kansas City Metro)
Out Enjoying The Sun? It's A Perfect Day To Get Out And Enjoy A Relaxing Body Rub! Full 1 Hour *$55* - 23
(Kansas City)