Mon 06 Jan
Ciara Star •:*¨¨*:• sentual deeptissue massage with body to body, - 24
*-*-*-* Boobs.... Boobs.... Boobs....AND LEGS!!!*-*-*-* - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City/Independence area)
Gentlemen Im ready to please you $80 in call special....aslo ask about vip special - 21
(Kansas City, Missouri)
-*~ B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M §:-*~ - 33
(Kansas City, Mo/Ks In/Outcall)
{ { { C a u t i o n { { { } } } W h e n } } } } } } Specials 80 for 15 min - 29
(Kansas City, stadium area)
Classy Body Rubs - come and get rejuvenated with me :-) special $80.00 - 42
(Kansas City, Lees Summit I 70 and 291hwy)
*♥*~Back in Town by Popular Demand♥* ~Sweet Pleasure Available Now~*♥ (612) 990-5962 OUT CALL ONLY - 24
(Kansas City, Overland Park)
♥♥♥Daisy Dukes♥♥VIP ♥ Specials ♥massage therepist♥♥VIP♥♥ - 33
(Kansas City, South KC Grandview private residence)
_____________ ___ BOYS PLAY __★___ WITH TOYS __★___ MEN PLAY __★___ WITH ME ___ ★_ __________ _____ - 27
(Discreet, right off highway, Kansas City)
Be the cream in the middle of our cookies Incall hrSpecials !!!! Kisses - 27
(Kansas City, Kcks off I70 easy access)
⬛ ◼◾▪Best Banging Brazilian Babe ▪ 99$ Older Guy Incall Specail👍 ▪◾◼ ⬛ - 36
(Kansas City, ●816-335.8932●)
-------- -------- --------- > TOPLESS and NUDE MASSAGE THERAPY < --------- --------- --------- - 24
💋💋💋💋 A Sweetness You Won't Forget !!!! Nude Body Rubs !!! 24/7 OUTCALLS ONLY !!! NEW PICS !!!💋💋💋💋 - 38
(Kansas City, Kansas City MO/Overland Park KS-OUTCALLS)
6o-8O-12o Rate$ ✾ ₭inky & ₭issable ✾™Dirty Dd Fun ✾ 816-914-4614 ✾ Rain¥ Da¥ ₱layⓜate - 29
(Kansas City, KCMO incall & Some outcall 816 914 4614)
ஐ*~* Beautiful *ஐ * Bodacious *ஐ * Busty *ஐ * Brunette *~*ஐ * $99 Nurse 816-977-8774 - 31
(Kansas City, MY PLACE....435/ some out calls)
**A Very Hot 'N Sexy Lady Here To Rub Your Body Down with a Sensuous Touch** - 40
(Kansas City, KCMO)
>(( ✔ CHECK HERE ✔ )) _*I KNOw I'M What YouR LooKING COCOaka Sparkel - 21
(Kansas City, south/incall)
🕒>> 4>Ⓜ🅰RDI GRAS Madness>100🌹/ HR All WEEK! Body Rubs from a beautiful Lady🌹 - 23
(Kansas City, Overland Park, Kansas City)
80 ** 80** nurse BECKY VIP 150 biggest nips in kc 816-977-8774 - 31
(Kansas City, EAST OF 435/some outcalls considered)
#1 ❤️ SexXy ~~~ PL£ASUR£ *•* B£YOND *•* M£ASUR£ ~~~ #1 ❤️ SexXy - 35
(Kansas City, north kansas city)
:) BLONDE & BUSTIE!! 816977-4131 in & outcall - 25
(In Call DOWNTOWN outcall available, Kansas City)
-•💟---( BLONDE )--•💟--- Sexy ChicK --•💟-- LoADs OF FUN!!!---•💟- - 27
(913 605 2094 Johnson County, Kansas City)
ALL NEW (— So Sexy ———°——— *So Hot * ———°Grand Opening $10off * ———° MASSAGE —)——* 913-360-0615 - 23
(Kansas City, N kansas city, MO)
♡ B_U_S_T_Y IRISH bruNeTTe P~L~A~Y~M~A~T~E [aLL NudE] ★ B2B ★ & MuTuAL TOuCH $100 HOUR ♡ - 34
🌹aLL NUDE and eROTIC eaRly Morning MuTual TOUCH MASSaGE & MoRE ➬➫➮ $100 HOUR INCALL/$150 OUTCALL🌹 - 34
A Fun Fant@sy For Men Is Watching A H0t Woman Stripp¡ng Nud€ As He’s Watching Her Through His Window - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri)
💋💋💋A SweetNess You Won't ForGet !!! NuDe BoDy RuBS 💋 OUTCALLS ONLY !!! 💋 HIGHLY REVIEWED 100% REAL💋 - 38
(Kansas City, Kansas City MO-Overland Park KS Metro)
Airport. Zona Rosa. Downtown . AVAILAble Mature * Fun * Expierenced * Provider* 8166768569 - 43
(Kansas City, airport downtown casinos)
A truly mind & body altering experience! - 47
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, St. Louis)
913 565 5221 "eXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT......" Specials from the 'GODDESS await u.... - 48
(Kansas City, '15 mi .N . of Legends,15mi..W.zona rosa)
BEST💖💛💚 Wonderful 💖 MAGIC TOUCH MASSAGE from So Young Cute Oriental girls 💖 NEW★HOT★HOT★ - 26 - 25
(1500 E Kansas City Rd, Olathe, Kansas City)
✰B0dY Rub by a preTTy IRiSH chicK with a verY nice rAcK✰⇉⇉⇉❖{$100 HouR SPECIAL}❖ - 34
Alone In A Hot Tub You Slide Your Hands Up My Thighs Untying The Strings On The Sides Of My Bikini. - 34
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri)
-------- --------- --------- > TOPLESS MASSAGE THERAPY < --------- --------- --------- - 25
2 HOTT ROOMIES looking for ACTION! Girl on Girl action and MUTUAL play:) - 27
(Kansas City, Great Low Incall RATES)
" 913 565 5221. "traveling thu?... We are open 2 day 4 U ! - 48
(Kansas City, PRIVATE Home TOPEKA KS,, you come to me)
❄ $6O$ Like A D!rty Martini?? ❄ Xtra BUSTY K!NKY ©ockTail ❄ $$!oO V.!.P$$ - 28
(Kansas City, In & Out 816-686-9513 UP LATE)