Tue 21 Jan
☆••☆AsiAn Goddess☆•• ❤✔️Pretty & Flawless❤••☆NEVER Rushed✔️ ❤Naughty && NICE ❤••...
(Independence, Kansas City)
Ashlynn💕💋Irr3sistibl3★ 🍦SEdUCTiVE♡* 🍦 💎 college PLAyMATE💖100% Real Pictures! - 20
(Kansas City, Kansas City Surrounding Areas)
Available Now♥JuICY BOoTY SeXY THICk LATInA MixXEd☆80 Visiting - 22
(Kansas City, ♥♡♥☆★SOUTH 435 in/out 24/7 80special)
Available today and tomorrow!! You definitely deserve to treat yourself to this sexy TRUE redhead!!! - 31
(North of the river)
♥ AVAiLAbLEe♥ PREtTy FaCe (LoNg Brunette HaiR) sWEET( MixxEd) CUTIE ♥ - 18
(Kansas City, South kansas city in/out)
Azz lovers ENJOY my OPEN-MINDED adventures 💋Petite ~ HARDBODY~ Spinner. - 69
(Kansas City, KCMO East)
__________ B ________ E _______ A _______ U ________ T _________ I ______F _________ U _______ L ___ - 22
♡¤¤B A D D GIRL. *** PRETTY W O M A N¤¤♡ ~☆ * So Addictive☆ - 20
(Kansas City, Incalls North KC + Outcalls)
B- Ba- Ba -BOMBSHELL! _*_super sexy vixen hoping to make your day!! 100/hhr 175/ full hr. SOUTH.KC - 23
∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞ B E T T E R ❥ THAN ❥ YOUR ❥ G i R L F R i E N D ∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞ ♋ - 23
(Kansas City, Kansas City Mo, & Surrounding Areas 24/7)
B L O N D E - C• U• R• V• Y• delight Made for ¥our• Pleasure tasty & tempting - 28
(Kansas City, Ku med area)
*♫* B R A N D _ S P A N K I N G _ N E W *♫* JADA B U NN Y*♫* - EXOTIC - *♫* - 20
»« AMAZING* - ___ ___T _O _O __ ___G __ o __ O __ D ___ T _ O ___ M _ I _S _S__ »« * - 22
(westport incall / outcalls)
°«{ ~"A*M*A*Z*I*N*G °~ N@w~t¥ Ani@"~ }»° 816+ 877+5085 ~* 50 *70 * 100... $peci@l$!!!!!!! - 29
(Kansas City, MY PLACE)
----------★ aMaZiNG SKiLLS ★ ----------★ √√ GReaT ReVieWS★ ----------★ SiNFuL- SeXy, BuSTy- BLoNDe ★ - 2...
(Kansas City, INCALL/outcall)
♥ ° Amazing Victoria ° ☰ ° °Check out My NEW PICS - Eat your heart ° ♥ - - 26
(your place or mine)
★~★~★~ AMaZiNgLy TaLEnTeD & UNFORGETABLELY SKILLED 100% ALL NaTuRaL HOT SoCCeR MoM-!!! ~★~★~★ In/Out - 27
(Kansas City, South KC)
>{ £ ~ £ ~ £ } * One In A Million * I'm That Girl * You Wont Another Freak Like Me * { £ ~ £ ~ £ }< - 30
(Kansas City, Johnson County)
= = =>> ALL . A:m:e:R:i:C:a:N . BLONDE . Perfection . *Arial .the. Angel*
(PLAZA incalls & outcalls)
______ANGELICAS COMING BACK BOYS!!!! Book before its too late, y'all know how popular I am! ;)____ - 21
(¸.·´ Available Now ¸.·¨) So Exotic ☆ ¸.·¨) :::: Just What You Need :::: $80- Special - 23
(Kansas City, ------- :: power & light kc :: -------)
Al Pacino Fan, Loves The Scent Of A Man!!! Eve Specials!! 816/352/7717. Brie. NO TEXTS - 50
🙌 🚨🚨🚨🚨 ALERT !! S T O P !! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🙌 W A R N I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! __ __ YOUR BLONDE FANTASY __ __...
(Kansas City, Kansas City mo, Blue springs, Ext🎀)
aLLi FrOm tHe VaLLeY ThE PeTiTe & SeXXXXy BeAuTy FoR YoUr UpScALe CoMpAnIoN ExPeRiEnCe!!! - 20
💲🇺🇵🇪🇷 💎 🇯🇺🇮🇨🇾💦➬ 🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹&🇼💦🇪💧🇹💦INDEPENDENCE OUTCALLS...
(Independence mo kcmo kck overland park k, Kansas City)
;>♥♥ C_H_E_C_K __H_E_R_E_! _ 💋💋💋 NeW K.C. MILF ;>♥♥ 100 SpCl. - 36
(Kansas City, North KC MO { worlds of fun area})
=====> Lovely LO =====> Sweet Blonde =====> Great Body =====> CALL NOW! - 21
(Kansas City, 71 and 152)
A**New**Sexxy Secrets you cant let go???*** Call Me!!! *100 specials* - 22
(Kansas City, lees summit off 291)
>>> aLLi iS bAcK!! yOuR fAvoRiTE bLoNdE bOMbSheLL iS rEaDy aNd wAiTiNg!! caLL nOw!!
(Sports Complex)
Amber Styles One and Only...Come and Hit the Hot Spot - 27
(Kansas City, Kansas City north near airport)
**~& An Accent to Your Day (Italian) **~& $$ Special $$ Regular Clients Thurs. thru Sat. - 33
(Kansas City, North/Airport)
☆ •: ((( •♥• & ReadY & OpeN-MindeD __ COME plaY with Me•♥• )))_ - 23
(in/out, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, St. Louis)
(:(:> ( P-R-E-T-T-Y - P-I-N-K - P-I-E- 4 - A - LOVELY - MATURE - GUY)):)):>:) - 24
(Kansas City, NKC / airport)
❤❤❤ ~❤~ ❤❤❤ ~❤~ ❤❤❤... ANY MaTuRE BLACK MaN OvER 30-!!! ...YoU CaN CaLL ME-!..❤❤❤ ~❤~ ❤...
(Kansas City, SKC 435/470 & 71 hwy)
Amber rose 🌹💗 Here to please you❗️ Im running specials so dont miss out 💑 - 20
(Kansas City, East of the stadiums)
> > > LoOk wHo'S bAcK!!! eVeRybOdy'S fAvoRiTe bEaUTiFuL bLonDe bOmBsHeLL!! < < < - 21
(Kansas City, airport in/out)