Mon 06 Jan
★Baby DOll Is ``Back` `And Ready ★ Two Play````` Fast Fifty Specials`````` - 21
There's more than one way to create an EXPLOSION!!! Devin-40, Ashley-29, Trixie - 40
(I70 East Kansas City metro)
OUT CALLS ONLY! ♥★Damn She Is So Beautiful♥★...816 209 7262 - 25
(Kansas City, Kansas city/everywhere)
Gorgeous Petite Blonde, Your Girl Next Door! Catch Me While You Can KC - 25
(Kansas City, Kansas City(downtown) Incalls&outcalls;)
Naughty Girl Who Gives It 210%, always first never last, 31 - 31
(Kansas City, independence/kansas city mo)
H0T (talented) BLONDE! ___A Little Bit of SWEETNESS Goes A Long Way___ - 20
(AIRPORT - my place or yours)
Sun 05 Jan
🎰 Why gamble ? 🎰 When I'm a sure WIN! 💰 Over 25+ Positive Reviews on €¢¢¡€ & T€® - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
★.*° Weekend $pecials ♥JANESSA♥ Is BACK & my $weet & $exy friend is in town!!°*.★ - 24
(Kansas City, kcmo)
:::ღ :.:*. So TeMpTiNg :.:*. So AdDiCtiNg :.:*. SO eXpLoSiVe :.:*. ღ::: - 23
(Kansas City, kansas city mo)
[ s w e e t ] ___________ [ SEXXY ] ___________ &&& __________ [ a d d i c t i v e ] - 22
(Kansas City, [________ KCI ♥ Airport ________])
New Phone Number 4 Young. Tan. Brunette. :: KC MASTERPIECE :: SaMMMiiE - 22
(Kansas City, Kansas City Area)
I've got SPECIALS for a Limited Time ONLY 🎰 Why gamble ? 🎰 When I'm a sure WIN! - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
Drive Fast Nascar Weekend Only;-) 100 Special AvaILabLe NoW!! * 100% ReAL * ❤️Paris - 21
(Kansas City, InCall/OutCall South KC MO)
☆☆☆ Come and Play Hide the Sausage with the Decadent and Dynamic Duo ☆☆☆ - 26
(Kansas City, ☆☆ Near The Casinos ☆☆)
BEST in KC > Over 25+ Amazing Positive Reviews on T€® and €¢¢¡€ - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
BEST in KC > Guaranteed to Please! Over 25+ Amazing Positive Reviews on T€® and €¢¢¡€ - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
NEW PICTURES // Highly Reviewed and Recommended Jessica Rabbit ((Available NOW)) - 26
(Kansas City, IN or OUT)
GØØD ChØ¡C ° HØ & K¡Nk¥ BrUnEttE Lt M kp U CØMPANY TØNIGHT!! __NØ Øn W¡LL DØ It Bttr! - 22
(Kansas City, OUTCALL I WILL COME 2 U 24/7★)
Sat 04 Jan
SPECIALS! 8O ♥~*~*COME && SEE Why THEY CALL ME JUiCY!!!*~*~ - 23
(Kansas City, My Place or Yours 24/7)
(¯`'.* NeW PiXXX **Sweet Caramel College SPiNNER* * ★ * C H R i S T i n A * ★* - 19
Last Chance >> Last Day in Town >> Leaving Town TOMORROW! See me NOW before I go! - 25
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
Gorgeous Curvy Beauty // Upscale Elite Companionship! ((IN or Out Call)) - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
Best @$$ in KC ((::V€®¡Fi€D::)) Its ME or it's FREE!! /// IN or OUT - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
.•*•.*.• ADDICTIVE.:*:. Late + Night + SPECIALS .•*•. AMAZINGLY .:*:. SEDUCTIVE •.*.• .•*• - 24
(Kansas City, KC Metro area)
A BREATH OF F R E S H AIR - The Most Charming - ♥ - Mesmerising Blonde -- H A L E Y-B A B Y-- - 20
(AIRPORT - My Place or Yours)
★_★_★ TOTALLY SaTisFyINg & SinFuLLy SwEeT 100% ALL NaTuRaL BoMBSheLL READY NOW-!!! ★_★_★ in/out call - 27
(Kansas City)
(((( N@UGHTY BRUNETTE 4 U )))) /// Small Hips /// NICE A** ! $ SPECIAL'$ - 29
(Kansas City, KC/ Kci)
((( Yummy Hot Blonde Ready To Give You Some ROYAL TREATMENT!!! Call NOW!!! Lets PLAY ))) - 29
(Kansas City, Independence MO)
✅✅ Specials 👉👉 & weLL ReViEwEd! ♡ 👈👈 Let ((ME)) ***-B💣L💣O💣W-*** ((U)) AwAy! 💋💕 - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
Stunning Curvy Beauty >> BEST in KC >> Highly Reviewed and Recommended Jessica Rabbit KC - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)
★.•*¨¨*• :☆:-•* I'm like a DRUG ☆ ADDICTIVE .▄▀★▀▄ 1 HIT of ME an UR ♥HOOKED♥ . - 24
(Kansas City, Kc metro area)
Fri 03 Jan