Tue 21 Jan
Come out and Play With Lacey May Call/text me now! 816-605-3478 $80 Special 24/7 - 23
(Kansas City, N KC /Worlds of Fun/ Casino area)
*****Brooklyn Baby... 6 foot tall brown hair sexy 21 girl... aiming to please*** - 21
(Kansas City, NORTHERN KCMO)
CALL ME!! ☆ AVAILABLE!! >>> ••••• S •••• E •••• X ••••Y •••• ★ ••••••• ☆ OUTCALLS - 18
(Kansas City, ☆ .•* OUT.•* ☆)
Brand New*** Thick **Brown Skin *** Amazon *** Queen *** Satisfaction Gauranteed - 21
(Kansas City, Kansas City Sorrounding Area)
Bubbly BLonDe ▬▬•••►💎 _J_U_S_T ____ W_H_A_T ____ Y_O_U ____ N_E_E_D_💎◄•▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 24
(Kansas City, Kansas City , MO)
✰ === Blonde - Dallas - Hottie === ✰ === Well Reviewed === ✰ - 24
(Kansas City, near Plaza... incall only)
BLONDE curiosity [?]. . .Come CAPTURE the ESSENCE. . .H A L E Y - A voyeuristic - T H R I L L! - 20
(KC AIRPORT (my place or yours))
❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ ——Blond3█—☰—█ see my maGic ❥ DO₦T MISs ME █—☰— - 25
(Kansas City, Your place only...No incalls Guys)
***Beautiful** Bodacious** Classy**Sexy** Tall Blonde 😘😘Lets have us a little Kinky fun tonight*** - 27
(Kansas City)
° ATHLETIC BUILD ° KC ° five01-9five two - 92nine9 CALL NO TEXTS ° ULTIMATE PLEASURE! - 24
(Kansas City, outcalls /incall stadiums)
[ B L O N D E ] *Perfection* : Sweet & Skilled : [ F R E S H ] *Beauty* : / A \ rial . / A \ ngel - 21
(incalls PLAZA incalls)
__ B U S T Y ✔ __ B L o N D E R ✔ __ T A N N E R ✔ __ H o T T E R ✔ & REAL!!! - 26
(Kansas City, P L A Z A - Incall ONLY!)
»« AMAZING* - ___ ___T _O _O __ ___G __ o __ O __ D ___ T _ O ___ M _ I _S _S__ »« * - 22
(westport incall / outcalls)
Available Now! I am Hot, Sexy, Independent and Real! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In the city)
B b W ► ((AVAiLABLE NOW)) ~ (($80)) UP LATE ((early bird)) ◄ B b W 70 inch ass!.
(Westport Incalls)
•★•💋APRIL ❤Bk ❤ViEwErS #1 ❤ Barbie blonde CALI BABY❤NeW ❤BLONDE❤ dnt❤ MiSS ★OUT• - - 22
(Kansas City, Kansas Airport)
☆ AddiCtiVe LaTiN BeAuTy☆ SuPeR SeXy❤❤eXoTiC ViXeN❤❤WaiTiNG oN YOU - 20
(Kansas City, INCALLS ONLY 24/7 SOUTH KC I-435, 71HWY)
Airport`Zona rosa` Beautiful Fun Mature 91370157971/2 hour sessions available - 40
(Kansas City, kci zona downtown)
*!* Amber, Sweet and Sexy *!* **I'm Ready* Lets Play !!! VeRy HiGhLy ReViEWeD!! CHECK ME OUT>>> - 25
(Kansas City, Near Stadiums)
***** ((99hr)) special ((99hr)) special ..... all day long !!!! 2day only !!!!
(SoUtH KaNsAs CiTy Mo)
Airport ✴Downtown Available✴ ALL HouRs✴petite mature sexy &lots; of fun 9137015797 - 45
(Kansas City, kci zonarosa downtown)
@ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ 5'1" FORMER GYMNAST @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ - 20
(Kansas City, KCI Airport)
A Fresh Breath Of Honey - 37
(All Cities, Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
70 SPECIAL [B€§† CH♥iC€] ØN€ Dا€ YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D [GØRG€ØU§ FAC€ & KiLL€R CURV€§] - 25
(Kansas City, Kc Baby :))
50/80hh/160 💋I've been wanting you💋Just What the DOCTOR ORDERED - 22
(Kansas City, Near Airport /Incalls only)
🌞🌈🌞 after the rain comes a rainbow 🌈🌞🌈 I want 2 b ur rainbow 2day 🌞🌈🌞 - 22
(Kansas City, Plaza Incall Only)
70HH SPECIALS ♚♡♚♡WILD WHITE GIRL Who will KNOCK your socks off with her AMAZING SKILLS ♚♡♚♡ - 25
(Kansas City, Kansas City Metro incall/outcalls)
100hh specials TODAY!! BہUTiFUL AIYANA is BACK and BETTER than EVER! - 37
(Kansas City, KCMO/Surrounding Areas)
❤120 INCALL Specials! EROTIC Fun! Sexy Sweet and sultry! with a WILD STREAK ❤ - 40
(Kansas City, stadiums)
$125 SPECIAL**// LOVELYyyy //** !! :-) :-) Leszley :-) :-) - 29
(Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri)
100hr/160 💋Looks❤️ GOOD 💜feels 💖even💚 BETTER 💖 🌟Big Booty ♥️Nic€ T¡TS 💖a TASTY TREAT!!! 💋 - 20
(Kansas City, South Kansas City incalls)
$100$★☆★☆★.HOT & SeXY PLaYMaTe WiLL SPoIL U DOiNG ALL THe NaWTy THinGs THaT YoU LiKE-!!! ★☆★☆★$100$ - 27
(Kansas City, SKC-- 435 & 71 hwy area- Safe & Discrete)
💋💋💋💋💋💋💋 100% Mature Sexy Sweet Woman 💋 OUTCALLS ONLY!! Highly ReViewed & ViDeo'S 100% REAL & SAFE! 💋 - 38
(Kansas City, Kansas City,MO-Overland Park,KS)
Upscale Agency ~~~~~ NOW HIRING Touring Companions ~~~~ Classy * Elegant * Safe ~~~ TOP PAY/SPLITS - 99
(Kansas City, New Jersey / New York)
EXCELLENT Professional Agency Seeking Ladies; GREAT Split & Make $6k to $11k/TOUR
(Kansas City, St. Louis)
$150 to $400 Cash Paid Daily Guaranteed! Male Masseurs needed. No experience necessary!
(Kansas City, St. Louis, USA)
👀 Look NO further 💦your swEEt TreAt 🍭🍬..is here to PLEASe 😌✋👍 ❤❤ Sexy hot BLONDE - 26
(913 605 2094 South Kansas City, Kansas City)
Are You A Gorgeous Massage Girl That Is Ready To For An Award Winning Agency? Work W/ The BEST! - 32
(Kansas City, $3000++/Weekly)
Sun 12 Jan
═☆YoUr NeW FuN-SiZe EbOnY PaRtY GiRl ╚» Is ReAdY 4 SuM HoT & FrEaKy A.M. FuN☞ Come PLAY WitH ME☆═ - 25
(Kansas City, KCI Airport area)
Sat 11 Jan
**Isabella Sky** Where it started to the END LAST CHANCE INN & OUT CALL 80/100 **100/150 - 31
(Kansas City, KANSAS CITY $$$ STADIUM)
Its a day for ReLaXaTiOn.. How about 2 SwEeT*SeXy ladies to relax with! We R what U need 140SpEcIal - 21
(Kansas City, *InCall/Near DownTown*)
IT'S ~ TIME *•♛ FOR •.♥ •:*¨¨*REINA ¨¨*:• ♥ {816-309-2179} Incall/Outcalls ALL Night - 43
(Kansas City, Outcalls KCMO, Op, Lenexa, Olathe,etc.)
Half Hour SPECIAL /// BEST @$$ IN KC! ((::V€®¡Fi€D::)) Its ME or it's FREE!! /// IN or OUT - 26
(Kansas City, South KC >> IN or OUT)