Mon 27 Jan
IT's CoLD OuTSiDe-!!!-- So CoME On SLiDe UrSeLF INSiDe & FeeL THe HeAT MY WaLLs HaVe To OFFeR U-!!! - 27
(Kansas City, ALL SKC- Lee's Summit to Belton-!!!)
If YoU WanT SomeONE THaTs HOT & SeXy & OH So SWeeT-!!!.CALL ME-!!!.I'm A ReAL SPECIAL TReAT-!!.$100$ - 27
(Kansas City, 1-70 to South KC/ Grandview/ Belton/ L.S)
cute in the face, thick in the waist, and busty 8164014408 - 24
(Kansas City, south kc, grandview, belton)
❤❤CoME PuT UR BaT & BaLLS To USe & MaKE Me HoLLer & SCReaM WHeN YoU CoME ACRosS My HoME PLaTe-!!!❤❤ - 28
(Kansas City, MINUTES FROM ANYWHERE South KC Mo & Ks-!)
CoME PuT UR BaT & BaLLS To USe & MaKE Me HoLLer & SCReaM WHeN YoU CoME ACRosS My HoME PLaTe-!!! - 28
(Kansas City, MINUTES FROM ANYWHERE South KC Mo & Ks-!)
Tue 21 Jan
***If YoU WanT SomeONE THaTs HOT & SeXy & OH So SWeeT-!!!.CALL ME-!!!.I'm A ReAL SPECIAL TReAT-!!*** - 27
(Kansas City, 1-70 to South KC/ Grandview/ Belton/ L.S)
IT's CoLD OuTSiDe-!!!- U WiLL FeeL THe BLoOiN HeAT B4 U EVeN CoME InSiDe MY HoT WaLLs-!!!.. AA OK-!! - 27
(Kansas City, South KC- ,I-435 & 71hwy)
hairy tight fat cat limited time only 816_213_5282 - 27
(Kansas City, Kansas city mo belton/grandview)
Mon 06 Jan
❤ $$100$$ ❤ JuST AsK SaNTa- I MiGhT BE NaWTy & BaD-!!!..BuT I'M ExTReMeLY GoOD AT IT-!!! ❤ $$100$$ ❤ - 27
(Kansas City, SKC-- 5min. from 435 & Bannister)
sweet & delicious ready when you are 8164014408 - 24
(Kansas City, south kansas city, grandview, belton)
Fri 03 Jan